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Collateral Consequences
Aug 30, 2021
True Cost of Background Checks
All of Us or None v. Hamrick In May 2021, the appellate court in California ruled in All of Us or None v. Hamrick that trial courts in...
Apr 26, 2021
Perceptions of Sex Offender Registration: Collateral Consequences and Community Experiences
Requiring people who have been convicted of sex offenses to register on a list that is publicly accessible appears to do more harm than...
Apr 26, 2021
Homeless Shelters’ Policies on Sex Offenders: Is This Another Collateral Consequence?
People who are required to register on a sex offender list are more likely to be homeless, in large part because shelters are less likely...
Apr 26, 2021
Mythical Divide between Collateral and Direct Consequences of Criminal Convictions: Involuntary...
Courts should be required to inform people charged with a crime of any consequences, legal or otherwise, that a reasonable person would...
Apr 26, 2021
The Collateral Consequences of Prisonization: Racial Sorting, Carceral Identity, and Community....
Prisons perpetuate the criminalization of specific groups of people by sorting and labeling them as gang members. Analyzing how Latinx...
Apr 26, 2021
Working around the Law: Navigating Legal Barriers to Employment during Reentry
People with criminal records are often forced to find work through unofficial means, or by 'working around the law' because of the...
Apr 26, 2021
Obey All Laws and Be Good: Probation and the Meaning of Recidivism
As the most commonly imposed criminal sentence in the U.S., probation functions to expand the sprawling reach of the carceral state. This...
Apr 26, 2021
Collateral Consequences and the Preventive State
Collateral consequences are imposed as a measure of preventative risk management and should be regulated as such, rather than regulated...
Apr 26, 2021
Informal Collateral Consequences
Informal collateral consequences can be just as harmful as those that are considered formal. In addition to alleviating the impacts of...
Apr 26, 2021
Ex-offenders face tens of thousands of legal restrictions, bias and limits on their rights
People with criminal records face a multitude of barriers after incarceration. This article explains what collateral consequences are,...
Apr 26, 2021
Collateral Consequences of Criminal Convictions in American Courts: The View from the State Bench
Collateral consequences are actually not 'invisible' as they are discussed relatively frequently during court proceedings. This article...
Apr 26, 2021
The New Civil Death: Rethinking Punishment in the Era of Mass Conviction
Collateral consequences have effectively resurrected the colonial era of 'civil death' (a state in which a person's legal status is...
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