3 Employment Screening Trends to Know Before You Hire in 2019
Employers are continuing to increase their surveillance of potential and current employees. This article on the Society for Human Resource Management website discusses the increasing use of 'social media background checks', in which employers monitor potential and current employees' social media pages for illegal and offensive behavior; the growing trend of continued background checks throughout employment; and the growing trend of employers hiring people with criminal records due to a shortage of workers. The article supports the use of background checks while encouraging employers to stay compliant with EEOC guidelines.
Maurer, R. (2019, January 23). 3 Employment Screening Trends to Know Before You Hire in 2019. Society for Human Resource Management. https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/hr-topics/talent-acquisition/pages/shrm-2019-trends-employment-screening.aspx
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