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The next Pandora’s Box of criminal background checks
To what extent do mandatory checks required by government lead to an overall increase in background checks performed by employers? This...
Criminal Record Questions in the Era of “Ban the Box”: Criminal Record Questions
When it comes to questions about criminal records on job applications, there is very little consistency in how the question is asked and...
Workers with Criminal Records: A Survey by the Society for Human Resource Management and....
The hesitation to hire people with criminal records stems mostly from concerns about general perception of the company as well as legal...
The Edge of Stigma: An Audit of the Effects of Low-Level Criminal Records on Employment
While misdemeanor convictions still negatively impact a job applicants' employment prospects, they are not as disqualifying as felony...
Employer aversion to criminal records: An experimental study of mechanisms
The stigma associated with criminal justice involvement, whether it's a conviction or an arrest, has a significant influence on hiring...
The Effect of Criminal Background Checks on Hiring Ex-Offenders
Employers who are legally required to run background checks are far less likely to hire someone with a criminal record, compared to...
Walking the Talk? What Employers Say Versus What They Do
An employer's stated willingness to hire someone with a criminal record does not always match what they actually do when making hiring...
Is it disqualifying? Practitioner responses to criminal offenses in hiring decisions
There is considerable variance in the factors that impact whether someone with a criminal record will obtain employment, such as age,...
Legal Ambiguity in Managerial Assessments of Criminal Records
Employers who have less guidance on how to assess an applicant with a criminal record rely more on their personal beliefs and...
The Effect of an Applicant's Criminal History on Employer Hiring Decisions and Screening Practices
According to this 2001 survey of Los Angeles employers , employers are mostly unwilling to hire formerly incarcerated people. Employer...
Will Employers Hire Former Offenders?: Employer Preference, Background Checks, their Determinants
In the early 90s, most employers were unwilling to hire someone with a criminal record. This study, one of the first and largest of its...
Criminal record checking and employment: The importance of policy and proximity
Government regulation requiring employers to run criminal background checks and implementing other barriers to employment for people...
Criminal Records, Positive Employment Credentials, and Race
Job applicants who have felony convictions as well as positive credentials (such as job training, an occupational license, or a reference...
Criminal Records and Employment: A Survey of Experiences and Attitudes in the United States
The majority of employers ask about criminal records and of those that do, a vast majority (87%) ask about them on the application. This...
Bad jobs and good workers: The hiring of ex-prisoners in a segmented economy
The most powerful factor in hiring for jobs at the bottom of the labor market is finding workers who are willing to do the work. These...
Why Do Employers Discriminate Against People With Records? Stigma and the Case for Ban the Box
The stigma of a criminal record has significant influence on employers' decisions not to hire someone with a criminal record, in addition...
The Effect of Criminal Records on Access to Employment
Even fairly minor felony records have large negative effects on employer callbacks during the application process. This study offers the...
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